Thursday, October 7, 2010

Press Play To The Music Of My Heart

Written by Riyah Walton & Glenn McCrary

Exploring the depths of my heart

Revealing inner thoughts that have been left unsaid

Pressing play on all of my different emotions

Seeing which one reacts best when I put them to the test.

Searching in the crevices of my soul

Trying to find and create my inner self

Dancing through the turbulence of the process

Because I can't fall further down than I've already been.

I've been restricted for so long

By an invisible wall guarding my happiness

But I've finally broken through it

And now my victory is bliss.

This day would come eventually

I was unsure of what time frame

Though all that really matters now

Is that I'm basking in it's flames

I'm running towards my new found heart

instead of running away like before

I'm cradling and fixing my negatives now

And still aiming to be pure.

I'm standing strong on solid ground

The negatives are crumbling at my feet

I'm stronger now I've found my inner self

And now I'm stronger and more wise to defeat.

My heart used to ache from the darkened days

The book of success was one I'd struggle to read

But my smile will now shine and guide the way

To a life I've now realised I was born to lead

By Glenn McCrary & Riyah Walton

© 2010 Glenn McCrary & Riyah Walton (All rights reserved)

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